Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013

Hannah"The Warrior Princess" Fund - Help her to get to the USA and make her dream come true


Hannah is an amazing 12 year old who has a condition called Apert Syndrome, A rare genetic condition which causes fusion of the bones in her head,hands, feet, elbows, shoulders and in Hannah's case her spine. Hannah was ventilated at birth and given only days to live but she fought through and at the age of 2 had a life saving operation on her spine. At the age of 4 Hannah received another life saving operation on her airway, and over the years she has had numerous operations and procedures. Despite all the above challenges and been told she would never walk, Hannah lives a very full life and has even gained a Black Belt in Martial Arts from living Martial Arts legend Bill"Superfoot"Wallace. Hannah has recently received news that she will be inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2014 in Indianapolis Indiana. Hannah has always dreamed of visiting the USA and with your help we would love her to travel to the USA next April to accept her award in person.

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