Mittwoch, 16. April 2014

The Top 10 BJJ Rashguards for Women


Training BJJ without the gi can be pretty disgusting, especially when you’re rolling in a club with no air conditioning in the middle of summer. My club, Titans Fitness Academy, used to be located in a basement in a shady area of Halifax, Nova Scotia. In hot weather, we left the door open and had a couple of floor fans but as we rolled, the mats turned into a big blue Slip'N Slide covered in puddles of sweat.
Good luck passing guard. It felt pretty gross, but it smelled even worse. I’m sure if a normal person found my gear on the floor after class, she would pick it up with a stick and throw it into a dumpster. Eventually Titans moved to a location with air conditioning and no-gi BJJ became a lot less disgusting.
As a result, I decided I wanted to get a rashguard with a cool design like the ones I saw the guys wearing in class. Unfortunately, the only companies with graphics on their rashguards catered exclusively to men, and even the small ones of those were way too big for me. I thought I was doomed to a life full of boring Under Armour, but over the last year, women’s BJJ gear has blown up.


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